Blogs and wikis are two similar types of new media. Blogs are often a more personal means of sharing by individuals through singular posts, while wikis are a collected, participatory effort of sharing.
Wikis are not exclusively collaborative. Blogs can share links to other blogs through a blog list or links to sources throughout the internet. Bloggers may mutually benefit from shared interactions between readers or other bloggers. This kind of communication can further advance the 'networked world' through more and more sharing. In the article, "Walmart Tastemakers Write
Unfiltered Blog," we see that blogging can reveal a part of the world that we normally would never have seen. An interesting fact that the article brought up was the fact that people can tell whether or not a blog is being genuine. People were more receptive to the several controversial hot takes the bloggers wrote about.
Most uses for wikis are online already. I find it difficult to think up one that hasn't been done before. There's even a wiki page FOR wikis. The Wikipedia article for wikis shows that wikis have been used for city planning projects, patent applications, and a dictionary.
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